
Here are the tests for method:

@DisplayName("read a course given its offering name")
void readCourseGivenOfferingName() {
  for (Course c2 : samples) {
    Course c1 =;
    assertEquals(c2, c1);
@DisplayName("read returns null given invalid offering name")
void readCourseGivenInvalidOfferingName() {
  Course c1 ="EN.00.999");

Here is the implementation of method:

public Course read(String offeringName) throws DaoException {
  try (Connection conn = {
    return conn.createQuery("SELECT * FROM courses WHERE offeringName = :name;")
        .addParameter("name", offeringName)
  } catch (Sql2oException ex) {
    throw new DaoException("Unable to read a course with offeringName " + offeringName, ex);

Run the tests and make sure they pass!


Here is a test for Sql2oCourseDao.readAll method:

@DisplayName("read all the courses")
void readAll() {
  List<Course> courses = courseDao.readAll();
  assertIterableEquals(samples, courses);

Here is the implementation of Sql2oCourseDao.readAll:

public List<Course> readAll() throws DaoException {
  try (Connection conn = {
    return conn.createQuery("SELECT * FROM courses;").executeAndFetch(Course.class);
  } catch (Sql2oException ex) {
    throw new DaoException("Unable to read courses from the database", ex);

Run the test and make sure it passes!

Overloaded readAll

Here are the tests for the overloaded Sql2oCourseDao.readAll method:

@DisplayName("read all the courses that contain a query string in their title")
void readAllGivenTitle() {
  String query = "data";
  List<Course> courses = courseDao.readAll(query);
  assertNotEquals(0, courses.size());
  for (Course course : courses) {

Notice the assertion statement implies the "search" must be case insensitive.

@DisplayName("readAll(query) returns empty list when query not matches courses' title")
void readAllGivenNonExistingTitle() {
  String query = "game";
  List<Course> courses = courseDao.readAll(query);
  assertEquals(0, courses.size());

As part of HW5 it is left to you to implement the overloaded Sql2oCourseDao.readAll method!

public List<Course> readAll(String titleQuery) throws DaoException {
  return null; // TODO Implement me