
We will be using a video conferencing software called Zoom to hold the course meetings remotely. You can create an account for free through https://jhubluejays.zoom.us.

You must use your JHU account when you join Zoom meetings for this course.

We will be using your JHED to put you in breakout rooms based on your group membership.

The Zoom link for online meetings will be posted on the course discussion forum.

Here are some tips for participating in class meetings:

  • Download the Zoom desktop client and join the meeting from your computer (it works better compared to tablet/phone)
  • Set up an intentional space where the class is going to happen; ideally a quiet and private location.
  • Consider using a headset to reduce sound interference and unwanted echoing.
  • Make sure you're muted when not talking.
  • Consider turning your video on, in particular when in breakout rooms; it helps humanizing the virtual experience!